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How can I tell if my lures hit a rock or a fish?

Determining whether your fishing lure has struck a rock or a fish can be a bit tricky, but with practice, you can become quite adept at reading these signals. When your lure encounters a rock, you may feel a sudden, distinct bump or stop, often accompanied by a sense that your lure has snagged something solid. If this happens, you can also look for your line to go slack or see the lure bounce back slightly. On the other hand, when a fish bites, you will feel a stronger tug or a series of twitches that are more erratic compared to the steady resistance of a rock. Engaging your senses and relying on feel is essential here.

To refine your ability, I recommend checking out these helpful videos on the topic:

  1. How to "Feel" Fish When They Strike - Learn the nuances of detecting fish bites.
  2. How to Find BOTTOM When Fishing - A great resource for understanding what happens when your lure contacts the bottom of the water.
  3. How do you know Which Lure to Use? - Knowing the right lure can help reduce snagging on rocks.

As for gearing up, here are some great products you might consider:

The more you practice, the more intuitive you'll become! Good luck out there, and tight lines!

Watch Videos

How to "Feel" Fish When They Strike

How to "Feel" Fish When They Strike

How to Find BOTTOM When Fishing (Fishing Tip)

How to Find BOTTOM When Fishing (Fishing Tip)

How do you know Which Lure to Use?

How do you know Which Lure to Use?

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Q&A Details

User ID: Guest

Answered: 9/2/2024, 2:37:26 PM

Chat ID: JZpjeXL

ID: 67

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