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How to start bait making?

Starting your journey into bait making can be as exciting as reeling in a big catch! Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you hooked:

  1. Gather Your Materials: You’ll need plastisol, which is the base for most soft plastic baits. A good starting point is the Bait Plastics Premium Lure Plastisol ($46.98). You’ll also want some colorants to customize your baits, like the Generic 10 Pack of Colorants ($49.95).

  2. Choose Your Molds: Molds are essential for shaping your baits. Consider the Smedioks Premium Soft Plastic Mold ($39.95) for a classic design.

  3. Heat and Mix: Heat the plastisol according to the instructions, then mix in your colorants. Be sure to wear gloves and work in a well-ventilated area!

  4. Pour into Molds: Carefully pour the mixture into your molds. Make sure to fill them completely to avoid air bubbles.

  5. Cure and Remove: Allow the baits to cool and cure as per the instructions. Once set, gently remove them from the molds.

  6. Test Your Baits: Take your new creations out for a spin! Experiment with different colors and shapes to see what works best.

For visual learners, check out these helpful videos:

Remember, practice makes perfect! Enjoy the process and happy fishing!

Watch Videos

ULTIMATE GUIDE: Everything You Need to Make Your Own Soft Plastic Baits!

ULTIMATE GUIDE: Everything You Need to Make Your Own Soft Plastic Baits!

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If I Started Making Soft Plastic Baits in 2024, I'd Start Here!

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Lure Making for Beginners

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CHEAPEST Way to Make Lures - Do-It Molds Essential Series Molds

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FIRST Time MAKING My Own SOFT PLASTICS!! (ft. LarryMelton, Jr.)

Beginner Soft Plastic Bait Shop Setup & Demonstration: How To Get Started Making Lures

Beginner Soft Plastic Bait Shop Setup & Demonstration: How To Get Started Making Lures

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Answered: 9/5/2024, 8:46:00 AM

Chat ID: Qre5QLI

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