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How do you catch crab with a net?

Ah, the art of crabbing with a net! It's a delightful way to spend a day by the sea, and you might just end up with a delicious dinner. Here's a breakdown of how you can catch crabs using a net, served with a sprinkle of humor and a dash of practicality.

Choosing the Right Net

First things first, you'll need the right gear. A crab net is quite different from your typical fishing net. You can opt for a crab trap net or a ring net. The Palmyth Wire Grid Bottom Crab Nets are a great choice. They're equipped with a harness and bait clip, making them perfect for the task at hand.

Location, Location, Location

Just like in real estate, location is key. Crabs love shallow waters with a sandy or muddy bottom where they can easily scuttle around. Piers, docks, and estuaries are prime spots for crabbing. If you're not sure where to start, check out this video on crabbing at the Oregon Coast for some inspiration.

Baiting the Trap

Crabs have a keen sense of smell and are particularly fond of chicken necks, fish heads, or other smelly morsels. Secure your bait in the net's bait clip or bag. The more aromatic, the better—think of it as eau de crab cuisine!

Setting the Net

Once you've baited your net, it's time to lower it into the water. Let the net sink to the bottom and ensure that it lies flat. This allows the crabs to crawl in easily. Keep the rope taut and secure it to the pier or dock to prevent any accidental crab escapes!

Timing is Everything

Patience is a virtue in crabbing. Allow the net to sit for at least 10-15 minutes before checking. Crabs are curious creatures, but they like to take their time investigating.

Reeling Them In

When you feel ready, slowly pull the net up. The key here is to be gentle yet firm—like trying to coax a cat into a bath. The slower and steadier, the less likely the crabs will scurry away.

Handling Your Catch

Once you've got your net to the surface, carefully remove the crabs. Beware of those pincers! Using a pair of tongs can save you from a crabby pinch.

A Quick Tip

For those looking to up their crabbing game, try using a Drasry Crab Trap. These traps are portable, foldable, and designed for easy use.

Crabbing is not just about the catch; it's about enjoying the experience. So, whether you're a seasoned crabber or a newbie, remember to have fun and enjoy the beautiful outdoors. And who knows, you might just catch the story of a lifetime along with your dinner!

Happy crabbing, and may your nets always be full! 🦀

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