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Best months to catch crawfish in the west coast?

Catching crawfish on the West Coast can be a rewarding experience, but timing is everything! The best months to catch crawfish typically range from April to October. During these months, the water temperatures are ideal, and crawfish are more active and easier to trap. Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know to maximize your crawfish haul during these prime months:

Spring (April - June)

In the spring, crawfish begin to emerge from their burrows as the water warms up. This is an excellent time to start setting your traps. April and May are particularly good months because the crawfish are hungry after their winter dormancy and are more likely to be lured into traps.

Summer (July - August)

Summer is peak crawfish season. The warm water temperatures make crawfish highly active. July and August are prime months for catching large quantities of crawfish. However, be mindful of the heat and ensure your traps are checked frequently to prevent any spoilage.

Fall (September - October)

As the weather starts to cool down, crawfish activity can still be quite high. September and October are great months to catch the last of the season’s crawfish before they retreat to their burrows for the winter. The cooler temperatures can also make for a more pleasant trapping experience.

Practical Tip

When setting your traps, use bait like fish heads, chicken necks, or specially formulated crawfish bait. Place your traps in areas with slow-moving water, such as the edges of rivers, lakes, and ponds. Check your traps every 24 hours to ensure the best catch.


Remember, patience and persistence are key. Even if you don’t catch a lot on your first try, keep at it! Each trip out is a learning experience, and soon you’ll be hauling in crawfish like a pro. Happy trapping!

For more tips and techniques, check out these helpful videos and products to get you started on your crawfishing adventure!

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Answered: 9/19/2024, 3:52:13 AM

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