How to catch schoolie mulloway in the Maribyrnong River?
Catching schoolie mulloway, also known as jewfish, in the Maribyrnong River can be a thrilling experience, especially if you're armed with the right knowledge and gear. Here's a guide to help you hook into these elusive beauties.
Understanding Mulloway Behavior
Mulloway are known for their nocturnal feeding habits, often becoming more active during the night or twilight hours. They prefer deeper holes and areas with structure such as bridge pylons or rocky outcrops.
Tackle and Gear
For targeting schoolies in the river, a medium to heavy rod setup will work best. Opt for a rod around 7-9 feet in length with a 15-30lb line rating. Pair it with a sturdy reel capable of holding at least 200 meters of line.
- Rod and Reel Suggestion: The Daiwa BG Spinning Reel is a reliable choice that's both durable and smooth.
Bait and Lures
Mulloway have a varied diet, but live baits like mullet or squid can be particularly effective. If you're using lures, try soft plastics or hard-bodied vibes that mimic local baitfish.
Fishing Techniques
Location: Focus on deeper sections of the river and around structures. Areas around the Footscray Wharf have been known to produce good catches.
Timing: Fish during the tide changes, particularly from low to high tide when mulloway are known to move around more.
Technique: When using live bait, ensure your hook is sharp and set quickly. Mulloway are notorious for their hard mouths, so a strong hookset is crucial.
Practical Tip
Use a circle hook to improve your hookup rate and ensure the fish is hooked in the corner of the mouth, making it easier to release unharmed if needed. Check out these Octopus Beak Fishing Hooks for a reliable option.
Additional Resources
To get a visual sense of what fishing for mulloway in the Maribyrnong River looks like, check out this YouTube video where an angler lands a monster mulloway!
Fishing for schoolie mulloway in the Maribyrnong River is a challenge worth taking on. With patience and the right gear, you'll be well on your way to landing one of these prized fish. Remember, every cast is a new opportunity, so keep your spirits high and enjoy the pursuit! 🎣
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