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What lures and what lure colours to use for mulloway at night?

When it comes to targeting the elusive mulloway (also known as jewfish) at night, choosing the right lures and colors can make all the difference between a successful outing and a quiet night on the water. Mulloway are known for their nocturnal feeding habits, making night fishing an exciting opportunity to land these prized fish.

Lure Selection

Soft Plastics: Soft plastics are a popular choice for mulloway fishing. They mimic the natural movement of baitfish and can be rigged in various ways to suit different fishing conditions. Consider using paddle tail swimbaits or curly tail grubs, which provide enticing action in the water.

Hard Body Lures: These lures are effective for covering more water and can be used to target mulloway in deeper areas. Look for lures that have a strong vibration or rattle, as these can attract mulloway from a distance.

Vibes and Blades: These lures are excellent for fishing in deeper water or strong currents. Their vibrating action can trigger strikes from mulloway lurking in the depths.

Lure Colors

Dark Colors: At night, dark colors such as black, dark purple, or dark blue can create a strong silhouette against the moonlit water, making them more visible to mulloway.

Luminous or Glow-in-the-Dark: Lures with luminous properties can be particularly effective at night. They provide a subtle glow that can attract mulloway in low-light conditions.

Natural Colors: If the water is clear and the moon is bright, natural colors like silver, white, or baitfish patterns can be effective as they mimic the natural prey of mulloway.

Practical Tip

When fishing for mulloway at night, it's crucial to be patient and persistent. These fish can be finicky, and it might take some time to find the right combination of lure and color. Try varying your retrieve speed and technique to see what triggers a response.


Remember, fishing is as much about the experience as it is about the catch. Enjoy the tranquility of the night, the sound of the water, and the thrill of the chase. With the right lures and a bit of patience, you'll be well on your way to landing that trophy mulloway. Tight lines! 🎣

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Answered: 2/8/2025, 3:06:47 AM

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