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How can I catch weakfish in Rhode Island?

Catching weakfish in Rhode Island can be an exciting challenge for any angler. Known locally as Squeteague, these fish are prized for their elusive nature and the thrill they provide when hooked. Here’s a guide to help you reel in these beauties.

Understanding Weakfish

Weakfish are part of the drum family and are known for their delicate mouths, which is why they are called "weak" fish. They are typically found in estuarine and coastal waters, making Rhode Island a prime location for targeting them.

Best Time and Location

The best time to catch weakfish in Rhode Island is during the late spring and early summer months. They are often found in Narragansett Bay and other coastal areas. Look for them in deeper channels and around structures where they hunt for baitfish.

Tackle and Gear

Using the right tackle is crucial. A medium-light spinning rod with a sensitive tip is ideal for detecting bites without tearing the hook from their soft mouths. Pair it with a reel spooled with 10-15 lb braided line for sensitivity and strength.

Bait and Lures

Weakfish are opportunistic feeders. Live baits like shrimp, squid, and small baitfish work well. If you prefer artificial lures, try soft plastics or jigs that mimic the local baitfish. The TRUSCEND Fishing Bait Rigs and GOANDO Fishing Lures Kit are excellent choices for targeting weakfish.


A slow and steady retrieve is often effective. Cast your lure or bait into likely areas and let it sink to the bottom. Then, slowly reel it in, occasionally pausing to let it flutter. This mimics the natural movement of prey and can entice a strike.

Practical Tip

When you feel a bite, resist the urge to set the hook immediately. Instead, let the fish take the bait and then gently lift the rod to set the hook. This helps prevent tearing the hook from their delicate mouths.


Remember, patience is key when fishing for weakfish. They can be elusive, but with the right approach and a bit of persistence, you’ll find success. Enjoy the process and the beautiful Rhode Island waters!

For more insights, check out these videos and products that can enhance your weakfish fishing experience.

Watch Videos

Fishing For Weakfish with Homemade Lures and Tagging a Striped Bass in RI

Fishing For Weakfish with Homemade Lures and Tagging a Striped Bass in RI

Catching weakfish in Providence Rhode Island! Check out the shop!

Catching weakfish in Providence Rhode Island! Check out the shop!

Fishnet Charters - Capt. Mel True RI WEAKFISH

Fishnet Charters - Capt. Mel True RI WEAKFISH



RHODE ISLAND FISHING (Weakfish / Squeteague Fishing | Narragansett Bay)

RHODE ISLAND FISHING (Weakfish / Squeteague Fishing | Narragansett Bay)

How to Target Fluke and Weakfish - Outgoing Tide ( how to catch fluke and weakfish )

How to Target Fluke and Weakfish - Outgoing Tide ( how to catch fluke and weakfish )

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Answered: 11/12/2024, 12:59:22 AM

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